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Re: Possible herpes genital - Oral
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Published: 20 y
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Re: Possible herpes genital - Oral

Just as a reminder, you need to take care of your gums, too. Herpes Viruses can go to any open sore, and if they go to your gums, your jaw muscles will be tightened that you can't chew nor talk much during outbreak. I happened to have a few molars in the low right mouth in pain at the same time I have contracted herpes in mouth. The viruses attacked the nerve there and I can't chew nor talk. ( This also remembered me of a book I read that a mother gaving an account of her 4-year old can't open the jaw due to scarlet fever, back in the 1930's. ) I gargled and use Q-Tips to apply the 1 part water and 2 parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the affected areas. I also drank 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide for one and a half month, and the pain subsided. Now, it has been half a year I did not drank food grade hydrogen peroxide that the pain comes back again. Also, during rectal insufflation, the nerve hurts a few days as if the viruses responded to attack. I better drink the hydrogen peroxide now, as I feel a bit of pain again.

As with any bleeding, stop bleeding ASAP to avoid viruses/bacteria going in. So mentioned you have oral herpes when you see your dentists. Don't let the gums go bad untreated, for I have a girlfriend who wait too long and have surgery to correct the gum disease problem. And it is too dangerous to allow open sore for the viruses to go in. Though the resolution of the photos is not so clear, your tongue looks very much like my tongue when I have the outbreak. Let's not be sad and hope in God for the best, while at the same time do what is necessary to do. God will not waste pain, He might want you to educate young people about this, which you can do anoymously, and after you felt better & put this disease under control.


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