Re: need help urgently
My heart is with your family, Nigel.
I cared for my little niece when she had been having constipation problems. Her doctor had surgically stretched her anus to some degree, but she was still very slow in her habits, according to her mother.
I knew nothing of what to do for the little one, but was told to give her milk, so I gave her and her playmates carrot parties.
I cut the milk with water, and gave them carrot sticks...daily.
Two days later, when my niece was in the bath, she screamed and passed what was, for her, a large hard movement.
I believe she was frightened, so I just said that was okay and made no todo about it.
I don't remember what else I fed her, except that there wasn't much of what I considered food in the house.
As an adult and mother, she still remembers 'carrot parties' fondly.
I don't know if this story is any help to you, Nigel. But, I would suggest that you give her small amounts of the freshest organic raw vegetables (especially dark green leafy) you can find, with her other procedures.
I'd be tempted to whir some in the blender, slowly adding a little clean water, so that she may sip small amounts, frequently. Although, shredded carrot, to chew, would give her the added benefit of saliva as a pre-digestive.
Long ago Chinese children were weaned on simple adult foods which the parents would chew first, then place in the child's mouth with their own.
We might consider this yucky, but millions of Chinese children were raised like this. (See the book, "The Good Earth", by Pearl Buck.)
Is there a kinesiologist near you? They know how to move soothing energy throughout the body, without touching a person or undressing them. Use your own hands on your little one, touching her with your usual comforting movements.
Your love and gentleness is the most important help she has. If you show concern, she will, too. Surround your babe with your 'circle of warmth'.
My best to you all.