Re: Natural Sleep Aids
You have perfect timing!!
I've been doing just about everything you said, raw vegan diet, low stress, lots of time to relax before bed.
But yet I've had trouble sleeping for a long time. It's gotten better since I've been doing those things but it still wasn't enough.
About about 5 months ago I was sleeping perfectly and doing really well month after month. But then I added another thing into my health regime(long story) and started feeling worse and couldn't sleep again. So I stopped all the supplements I was taking and yet I still couldn't sleep. I finally pinpointed what it was that was causing the problem and eliminated it from my diet. I felt better but still had trouble sleeping.
So about a week ago I was thinking back about what I was doing when I was sleeping so well and I realized that I was taking ionic minerals. But I had stopped the minerals because I was starting to have trouble sleeping and was trying to figure out what was causing the problem.
I still had some minerals left so I started taking the magnesium and calcium minerals again. I've now been following asleep very easily and am sleeping through the night.
I can't tell how great it is to have found these(again). It's incredible how quick they worked. The first night I took them I started sleeping well. Not getting enough sleep is torture(as I'm sure you know)so they've saved me before and their saving me now. I am also doing a heavy metal cleanse using HMD from and I'm noticing that that helps me sleep too.
I get my minerals from I know that magnesium and calcium produce a calming effect and I'm probably deficient in them as well.
I hope this helps!
Love, Mary