19 y
Re: back to pollen...well, yes. In a circling way :-)
Aggressive self-medicating - this is certainly of great interest to me; indeed, only a few days ago was I prepared to post a critique of alternative health fanaticism - as I see it - but persuaded myself not to for fear of offending yet more CureZonians. One need only browse various forums to witness the overwhelming zeal with which people attack protocol after protocol (especially trends) in order to remedy ailments that exist only in their mind, or, as a life-long crusade to cure dis-eases they simply do not have. I think that the average health-seeker is as detached from “nature” as much as the fast food glutton; their obsession remaining within the realms of foods and supplements. Intuitive living is most certainly a thing of the past…
Indeed, it appears almost as a race - a very human struggle to reign above others either by greater perceptions of health or vulgar displays of what they perceive to be knowledge.
As with most matters relating to modern existence, it simply comes down to materialism; in this instance the material obsession is the physical human body.
Well, perhaps I am a little negative at this time. But I do wonder how anyone can ever truly experience health when so much of their existence is devoted to seeking it…
Goji berries, suma, plain old fruits and nuts: mineral-rich, life-giving substances, and offered to us one and all without the need for sacrifice!