Re: A better form of calcium
I was in such pain the other night I was desperate for relief. Even though most of Moreless teachings do not resonate with me, people whom I highly respect, Maya (Invincible) for one, swear by him. I thought "why not?" and mixed the drink, which I did dilute with a lot of distilled water, I did not drink the stuff straight. We do strange things when we are desperate and hurting and I made a huge error in judgment, I don't blame anyone, this was my mistake.
For me the very best way I have found to get essential minerals is through the Superfood green drinks. I also have good results with ACV and sorghum. I know the green drinks have the minerals that are the most readily bio available on a cellular level. I spent the wee hours of the morning reading about angstrom minerals, and will probably give those a try a little later on. I hope to begin sprouting soon and having plenty of fresh sprouts, my Green Max drinks plus gently steamed leafy green vegetables should meet my needs for now. Meanwhile, I've got this big container of pickling lime and I don't even care for lime pickles :(
By the way, thank for the herbal suggestions, I'll look into them. About the magnesium, my doctor says to always balance calcium and magnesium when taking as supplements. He's a bright guy who I trust about most nutritional issues.