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Re: Massive Headache After Calcium Drink
hopinso Views: 2,544
Published: 19 y
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Re: Massive Headache After Calcium Drink

I asked my doctor about colloidal minerals and he said that they are easier absorbed, but most commercial solutions were not strong enough in content to fully meet the body's requirement. He does sell some at the clinic though, and most of his products are very high quality. I'll try and get a look at the strength on his product and compare it with other products to see how it compares.

I actually thought about you yesterday morning when I was getting therapy. I was asking Doc. about his case of Bach Flower essences and he showed me the English Bach version, an American version, and a few vials of what he called "gem essences". I asked how they would compare to simply keeping crystals in one's drinking water, would the effects be the same. He thought they would be similar. I had never heard of gem essence therapy, Doc. said he rarely uses it anymore. Do you know much about it? It deals with the frequencies from the gems (crystals?), but I'm not sure how or how much it affects the body. All I know is I crave water that has the crystals in it and the piece of orgonite on the top. Its a subtle difference, but very real. I can't stand ordinary water anymore.


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