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Re: Massive Headache After Calcium Drink
hopinso Views: 2,648
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 364,183

Re: Massive Headache After Calcium Drink

I have had almost a gallon of water today and a quart of grape juice, so dehydration may have been a factor. Maybe the limewater drink helped this particular person by taking some swelling (edema) out of his legs. At any rate I will try using just one tablespoon of limewater in my Green Max tonics, they work very well. I didn't mean to sound like I was putting down the method, its just that my reaction to the drink was so strong and unpleasant. I had planned on experimenting with the drink for the two days I was off work, but will spend tomorrow (well today actually its 4 am and I can't sleep because of pain) trying to get my strength back. I am weaker than ever right now. In the 100 degree heat we are having this week everyone is drinking plenty of water, I just wanted to try something extra for the pain and weakness.

By the way, my two puppies got into my jar of Blackstrap molasses this afternoon and ate most of it. I wonder if they need extra minerals in this heat, or just had a sweet tooth. Lately they have been begging for blackstrap and coconut oil.

As always, thanks for your time and advice.


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