Mysti, Ev, Owen, everyone.
We are talking about all human kind here. About who we are, how we live, and how we leave. We're talking about promise, hope, and how we help each other. And we're talking about our legacy...what we receive from each other and what we leave behind.
There is nothing more beautiful, I think.
We don't know anything for certain, except this...we are sparks of energy, for a time, then we return to the whole.
We exist while it is possible to do so, and we do as well as we can; which is far more than we can imagine. Then we no longer exist in this form. But life on Earth has been forever changed, improved, because we took part.
I have a sneaky suspicion that, at the end, all our questions are answered...that we know all we have wanted to know, and that our good intentions remain behind, echoing forever. ...That everything is okay.
And I suspect that this great reward, this fulfillment takes place no matter how or when we go. I think the individual is freed from the body. And I think that every kindness, every good thought, goes with us.
More than that, I've heard people say that there is no time or distance. I find that very comforting. That we can resolve all problems and conflicts and questions when we can, and that the dying know that we will, as they go.
These are only guesses, from what I've seen so far, of course.
But, hope is all-important, as the good Ev points out.
Mysti, you are a fine nurse. I hope we all have as good a companion in our last days.
My heart is full, and I thank you for your kind words.
This is quite an adventure we are all on, isn't it?