19 y
Re: Hysterectomy appt. in march, questions, please help.
Thank you Kathryn,
It is so good to hear of someone who had a good experience. My mom also had one at 40 because of an enlarged uterus that was putting her at high risk for many other problems including cancer.
Being 30 I guess I'm worried. My last period left me in pain, exhausted, and on the worst day I nearly blacked out 3 times. Its not fun. I expect that with only one ovary I will go into menopause early anyway and without a womb that may be earlier but you never know when that would happen anyway. My mom with a hysterectomy didn't until she was 55. My nan, whom I am very much like in many ways, went through menopause in her early 40s with her womb.
The first surgeon who drained the cyst on my right ovary did a slice job and left me with adhesions, scarring and perminant sutures in my ovary that acted like many little needles sticking into the falopian tube, womb and surrounding tissue for 2 years. He cut me from hip to hip and 2
inches down my bellybutton, did not suture that one and it popped open 3 days later. The scarring held my womb down for 3/4 of my pregnancy. The second surgeon fixed his mess (adhesions were as high as my liver and appendix!) Removed the ovary with adhered falopian tube and all the cysts spreading into it and toward my womb. It took her and another specialist to fix the damage and they were both appauled that a doctor would leave me how the first did. IT is this same surgeon that will be doing this surgery. I have not gotten a second oppinion as it is my own choice because of pain, she offered it because nothing else helps.
She tried to stop my period by use of the mini pill, the lowest dose made now of progesterone. I took one pill and was throwing up violently for hours. She had never seen side effects from it. It is the pill she give to nuring women. So horomone treatments are out. (not that I wanted to do that anyway but she wanted to see if no period would take care of the pain over 3 months)
This seems like the last resort for me, even if it don't take care of all my pain (if some of it is from my bladder) it will take care of the exhaustion, extreme cramping and heavy bleeding.
As you can tell I'm torn. Its funny how between periods I wonder if it was really as bad as I think, but when it hits I beg for it to stop. Thank you again so much for your input Kathryn. I have had another dear friend who is a naturalpathic doctor tell me I should have this done to get my strength back. I'm tired, worn, have a lowered immune because of the pain and blood loss each month, and a little underweight because of the physical stresses. I need a break from this mysery. Men are so lucky.
God bless you all.