19 y
Hysterectomy appt. in march, questions, please help.
I am a 30 year old woman and mother. I have suffered from severe period pain for years (since 11) I have had 2 pelvic surgerys already, one to drain an ovarian cyst the size of a small orange, the other 2 years later to remove that ovary and the connecting falopian tube. Since that surgery two years ago (which stopped severe constant pain 24-7) I have suffered with immobliizng pain with each period that lasts 5-8 days. I have severe fatigue the week before, as well as swelling that makes me look 3 months pregnant. Then when I start I suffer knife like pain. 3-5 days into it as I seem to be stopping everying hits again for about 5-10 hours. No pain meds work well anymore. It can take me 1.5 to 2 weeks to get my strength back again from each month, I think I go anemic, my hubby tells me I go deathly pale. My gyno has recommended a partial hysterectomy, to vaginally remove the uterus, leaving my one good ovary. I am scared of this but can't face the pain anymore. THe pain is concentrated in one main area on the right side where ther is no ovary anymore. I do not have endometriosis (sorry about my spelling)
I have tried natural progesterone cream and found little if any change.
I also have bladder problems, I have a 'buildup' on the inside right side of my bladder mainly. The right side is also dropped slightly. My urologist does not think that this is causing my pain. I guess I am just afraid that I will go ahead with this surgery only to have the pain continue.
Can anyone tell me what kind of things I can expect with a hysterectomy. Not having such exhausting painful periods would be a blessing and I'm not wanting any more children. To be honest, after losing one pregnancy and then nearly losing my one child at birth I am going to take the blessing of a healthy little boy and count myself blessed for him. I have begun having some pain through the month lately, but it seems to be in the same place as during my period.
Can anyone shed any light on this or offer some advice where the surgery is concerned. Anything would be appreciated.