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Re: Hysterectomy appt. in march, questions, please help.
kathryn101 Views: 1,451
Published: 19 y
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Re: Hysterectomy appt. in march, questions, please help.

HI 39927...First of all I want to say how very sorry I am that you are going through
so much pain. Raising a family and being a 'homemaker' to ME...are two of my very greatest blessings. But I can't imagine keeping the pace that I kept when our kids
were very young...and suffering long term pain as you mention.

If you have followed curezone postings may remember that I have studied alternative healing since the late 1970's. I first was drawn to alternative medicine when my aunts and cousins started dropping like flies with cancer. And
it was apparent that doctors were not much help. I started searching for answers...
found alternative medicine and have been addicted ever since.

Back in the early 1990's...I began having problems with my menstrual cycle. They
started out 'aggrevating'...but bearable. But within a year or so...the problem
was consuming my life. I had been digging for a natural cure...but found none that
helped me. By the mid 90' gynecologist was insisting that I have a hysterectomy. I was horrified. My immediate family had all been blessed with fairly good husband, kids, sisters, parents...nothing really major. And
I could not believe that a doctor was wanting me to have major surgery.

Finally, in 1996, I was in such pain from my problem, I agreed. Now, I wasn't 30
when I had mine, fact, I was about to turn 50. But I was horrified and
was so afraid I was going to die during surgery. I was a real baby about it. Made
all kinds of arrangements for not being around after the surgery. :-) I'm embarrassed now to admit that I did not handle MY pre-surgery days well at all.
I was mainly afraid to be put to sleep. But my surgery was going to be at 7am and
they assured me I would be wide awake by noon. Well, they were wrong...they ran
in to problems...I had the old fashioned kind of surgery, with the incision...and
when they got in there, my uterus had grown to the size of a 4th month pregnancy.
The surgeon had to call in another doctor to assist with one hour surgery lasted 4 husband and family say they were bonkers by the time I was out...and I slept till noon the SECOND day. :-/

When I finally woke up...I had a little pain...but was so glad to be AWAKE I just
didn't even care at that point. I had to stay 3 days instead of the expected
overnight stay...but the first day I was home...I was walking up and down the driveway...working on getting my strength back. (I had my surgery in June.) Since
that time...I've had several people ask my opinion on hysterectomies and I always
tell them that although I was afraid to have it was one of the best things
I've ever done 'for myself' my life. :-) No more more laying on the
couch for 2 days with my feet above my head. I am mobile...pain free and using
my blessed fairly good health to do as much for others as I possibly can.

I DO think doctors recommend hysterectomies way too fast. But if you've done all
you know to do...and you know you don't want to have more children...I absolutely
highly recommend it..."IF" you have a good doctor that you feel comfortable with
for the surgery.

Now there may be posters come on and tell all the bad things that will happen to
your body as a result of having a hysterectomy...but all I can tell you is how
MY body responded. It has thanked me a gazillion times over.:-) My middle sister
has since had a hysterectomy...and had the same good results and no after effects...
we have had friends that we have encouraged to follow their doctors wishes and do
the same. My baby going through the same kinds of problems
that my middle sister and I did...and we have encouraged her to have the hysterectomy.

My middle sister and I have never had a problem with hot flashes...the gitters...
nothing whatsoever...I feel truly blessed that God gave me the courage to go
ahead with my surgery.

You will probably get replies that are mostly against. I'm not sure. But you know
what you have really been through...and will probably continue to go through...and
you will have to make the final decision for yourself. I really wish you the very
best. And you will certainly be in my prayers. kathryn



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