Ideas and stuff
Hi Gayle. Have you read "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle? This book gives interesting insights into the chitter chatter mind noise that likes to take over our consciousness. I do prefer the audio version of it though. Hearing it in his voice takes it to a whole new level. There's a reason for that but I won't get into that here.
First of all, be gentle with yourself. Start by becoming an observer of your thoughts. You don't even need to delegate time to do this. Just whenever you can, become aware of your internal dialogue. This, over time, is a very empowering thing to do and will lead to the control over "self" that you are currently desiring. Then it will become easier and easier to quiet the mind as you excercise this new muscle of consciousness.
As far as your spiritual healing goes, where are you with that?
Depending on your answers I can show you some things you may resonate with.
Have you tried a well planned raw food diet? You can even apply the Ayurvedic or Chinese 5 element aspects over it.
Have you seen this film as of yet?:
Raw Healing
I am glad you are looking within yourself for the answers. This is how we truely heal. Congrats!
Keep in mind though thru law of attraction we can attract external situations that may not be healthy, such as moldy environments, chemicals, etc. These are just manifestations of our internal "story" and can be cleaned up within.
That said it is important at many levels of consiousness to do the "physical " work as well such as cleaning our environments, food, air, water, and also declutter. As within...without and vice versa. But within is the important aspect because it *ALL* starts there. The outer is a illusion of our created thoughts.
Laws of Attraction Articles