I'm in the process of listening to Wayne Dyer's CD on how to manifest. He has a morning meditation and an evening one with the sounds of Ahhhhhhhh and Ommmmmmmmm. I have only meditated a couple of times and haven't really noticed anything. I have a REALLY hard time quieting this mind:( The morning CD is focusing on the Root Chakra and the Third eye. Is this a good way to start? This is very new to me but I have been fasinated since I started reading and researching. I have been doing much of the physical work LF's, diet, cleansing etc. but the need for spiritual healing has really come forward in the middle of all of this. I have been a Christian for a long time and it has kept me from looking into something such as this. Trying to follow the Ayurvedic diet and learning about dosha's is what brought me to this point. My health has improved greatly but I can't rid myself of this dizzy/motion/vertigo feeling. It has improved greatly but I want it gone. I'm really trying to get to the "root" cause of this and thought the meditation would be a good way to start. Do you have any advice or suggestions? I also have the Insight and Focus CD's but haven't noticed anything when I use them, once again I can't quiet this mind. Can you tell me what you feel when you are in true meditation? When you get to that point do you just think about what you want or need? Sorry this is so long! Thank you so much for your time. I'm really glad I came across this post. This is a forum I seldom look at, something must have led me here today:) Blessings.............Gayle