i agree with you all, i don't support pederasty and i certainly don't think ancient greeces customs and ideas should be a role model for any society. the point i was trying to make is that homosexuality is not new and was once accepted and not abhored as being gross and unnatural. i was using pederasty in ancient greece as an example. the subject of my paper explored many cultures that accepted homosexuality and i didn't just write about pederasty and homosexuality in ancient greece. not all cultures believed in sex between a young boy and man as a part of education(by the way, pederasty was usually not forced, i forgot to mention that the boy had to agree with the relationship and allow the older man to court him)i explored different cultures views on homosexuality and how they expressed it in art. what i find interesting is the difference between the ancient views on homosexuality and the modern views, its quite different. most cultures have ancient paintings of two people having gay sex, men and woman.