you asked why someone would fake it. they would do this so they can charge $10,000 per person for a seminar that would supposedly teach these people the "secrets of the ancients" some even paid more, i guess they got better secrets or semething.
i know about this because it happended in Santa Cruz California where i used to live. the big fake taking everyone's money name is Wiley Brooks. you will still see him around sometimes quoted on various breatharian websites. the fact that they quote a fake and a liar and a shyster should tell you something about those sites. he was caught redhanded eating doubled cheeseburgers and hostess twinkies and all kinds of crap on more than one occasion. he then gave ridiculous excuses for it. the whole episode became a local legend and anyone living there can tell you all about it.
there is more to tell but that is in answer to your quesitons.