Re: I feel like "I USED to be pretty"
i suggest you follow the full body cleansing plan on this site.
true health starts from the inside of a clean body.
for that protocol you could do
Clarkia s herbal
parasite cleanse,master cleanse, and a series of liver flushes. that would totally cover the plan except for the dental clean-up and improved diet part.
helpful herbs:
neem- can be used internally, shampoo and soap (way better than toxic coal tar)they actually sell a little kit for psor. at an online store (bytheplanet)
red clover
paco d'arco
you want to avoid triggers in allergies,food,habits and toiletries. also if you only address the cause of the issue topically like they do in conventional medicine you wont really heal the sickness. you will just hide it with creams.and eventuallly as you know your body gets used to those creams and you break out again. after a patch has faded give it a month to get back to normal color again. neem oil actually fades marks on the skin too. hope this info helps. my mom had SERIOUS issues with this. and it is a total pain it seems. and you have to attack it at all levels through: a clean body, your diet, products used on skin and kicking bad habits that can make add to the rash (like smoking).
feel better