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Re: I feel like "I USED to be pretty"
curlyzone Views: 2,492
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 327,016

Re: I feel like "I USED to be pretty"
Please read this thread, it is full of inspiring stories. You can learn a lot about natural healing.

In short:

1) Most important thing is diet: Dr. Pagano's diet
2) Herbal teas: slippery elm, american saffron (also known as yellow saffron or safflower).
3) Standardized High Potency Herbal extracts: milk thistle, turmeric
4) Exercise, get enough sunlight, take a high quality daily vitamin (like Solgar).

You can find turmeric and milk thistle extracts and the slippery elm powder in bulk form at your local health food store. Most people have hard time finding the american saffron, and therefore order it online. If you read the thread above, you'll see that some people mention various links for buying american saffron.


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