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i wonder how much of our illness is spiritual...???
drofinnah Views: 1,371
Published: 21 y
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i wonder how much of our illness is spiritual...???

i truly do believe that one has to believe in what one is doing in order for a cure to work... this includes getting to know ones "inner-most self"... their "soul"... "spirit"... "God"... call it what you will... healing has to take place from within... how much of what ails us is caused or triggered by what we think... if i can change the way i think... then my feeling will change also... afterall... we are physical... mental... emotional... and spiritual beings... and at times all these need flushing... Depression is mostly mental... whether it be triggered consciously... or subconsciosly... usually one will find that it has to do with a situation that one has difficulty or a seemingly inability to cope with or accept... believe me... i have had bunches... all my problems stem from not having things the way i want... so... it seems that my wants and desires are the culprits that create my turmoils... if i do a "self" examination i discover what is at the root of whatever is bothering me... usually it is because someone does not live up to my expectations or the standards that i have set for them... and it boils down to having to accept he... she... or it... as being perfectly ok just the way they are... i guess we could cut through all this and simply say "judge not"... and this is kinda tricky to do... for most of us have been conditioned to judge everything... and everybody... it's a bad habit that is hard to break... but with awareness... and self examination... if one looks deep enough one will find that "inner most self" and that is when the real healing begins...

sorry didn't mean to write a book... but let me say again...
"find the way in... and you will find the way out"...

best wishes for you on your inward journey...
may you find the peace and happiness you seek...


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