To moreless, about alkaline/acid theory
Why are these who are acidic have so many different symptoms?
Isn't there a possibility that candida actually cause the body to stay acidic, by damaging the intestines and blocking the absorption of many minerals and vitamins. Also, your body, because of the infection, stay in a situation of stress, and that itself cause a lot of problems. You can eat all the greens you want, if you're not absorbing the minerals, it can't alkalize that much.
Also, how come I could have very large and solid bones, and be very lean and physically fit, despite being so acidic probably most of my life? I wouldn't mind my body stealing minerals from my bones to solve health problems...
What is your opinion about aerobic exercise and the theory? The lungs being one the most important bodypart to alkalize the blood, I can see how "activating" them could help the body a lot.