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Enzymes needed to "crack" Candida cell coat: GB3.
nordskoven Views: 8,825
Published: 19 y
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Enzymes needed to "crack" Candida cell coat: GB3.

Weaken the Candida cell coat with Pancreatin. This product sounds like a fine blend of Candida-weakening Pancreatin, Ox Bile and other goodies:

Then go in for the death blow with Caprylic Acid or Undecylenic Acid. Stop swapping Candida with your spouse by putting him on Caprylic Acid or Undecylenic Acid for a few days every month or so. Avoid all sugary fruits except bananas that will feed the friendly gut bugs you will introduce after a week or so on your new regimen. Apples should be o.k. as pectin speeds up bowel transit time, removes toxins and replenish all the magnesium the Candida has stolen.

No hormones that feed Candida, please, including birth control pills/implants. No sweet vegetables like corn, and no yeast breads that have all the fixin's for Candida's dinner. Lay off the coffee and dark, even "green" tea for a while. Just K.I.S.S., keep it simple, sweetheart, and you should perk up in no time. Do consider taking a course of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (available on the net) to heal your Leaky Gut and "drip feed" Biotin, small amounts regularly, to prevent Candida proliferation, ditto for hubby. Let us know how this works. God bless!


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