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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Feel Like The Wind!
Be light and breezy now!

wellnessyoga Views: 10,072
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 298,312


In your question I hear your plea for hope, needing to know that there can be life after candida. Since I have been at that dreadful place myself, I do relate, and want to assure you that it IS possible to feel well again.The road for me was not easy, rather leangthy (several years), with numerous set backs. Once I realized that I hated life the way it was AND committing suicide was not an option, I knew the only other option was to do my darnest to get myself out of this mess. It requires a whole lot of determination, stick-to-it-ness, self-discipline coupled with a healthy dose of self-love, and willingness to try many different approaches. Today I can't honestly point to one particular approach and say IT made the difference, maybe they were all stepping stones on my path....
After deciding that regular doctors were "useless" for this particular condition (this was abt. 15 years ago, things may have changed a tiny little since then), I did a lot of reading on the subject, followed a rather strict candida diet, saw homeopathic doctors, naturopathic doctors and spent a small fortune on probiotics and herbal and homeopathic remedies. I became a vegetarian for a while,did yoga, meditation, visualizations, changed my career to eliminate some stresses. I did bowel cleanses, parasite cleanses, vegetable juice fasts, removed my amalgams, learned to avoid foods I was sensitive to. I did kidney cleanses and 20 liver flushes.
I am very happy to say I have not had any candida or leaky gut or IBS symptoms for several years now, nor any bloatings or gall bladder attacks ( had them frequently). My energy level is better than it has been for years, and my body is mostly pain free. I have been more relaxed with my diet for a long time, but try to keep it healthy, free of junk food, sugars, alcohol, etc.
If my path to a better health sounds like an ordeal, I would think that it may not take as long today, because there is more information available, more knowledgeable health care practitioners, and a larger range of products.
Wishing you much health!


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