I have personal experience with Candida. I had it for over 30 years before I was educated in how to get it under control. I ended up going to a Naturopath that gave me the best advice. She said that I need to go on the Candida Diet along with my husband. That way, I won't get it back. So, my husband & I went on the diet for 3 months along with taking the herbs from "Candistroy". This was over 10 years ago and I have been able to keep it under control with a modified diet which means that I no longer use foods that contain preservatives , additives, processed sugar, etc. I try to eat as close to nature as possible. We also ended up going to a colon therapist for colonics during the Candida diet.
A good book that I read was "The Yeast Connection" by Dr. William Crook. You might be able to find it at your local library.