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remi96 Views: 9,850
Published: 19 y
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I had candida in 1992. I struggled with it for a year or so. No one knew what it was then. Only one book existed and thank god I stumbled upon it. The Yeast Connection by Dr. Crook. In any event, no one was using the internet then and I had no one to help me no drs. nothing. After reading the book I went on the diet. It took 5-6 months to go away. I stayed on the diet for another 5-6 months out of fear mostly. I guess that is what drove it home. I was perfectly well for 8 years. As a matter of fact I had forgotten all about it til I started not feeling 8 years later after mega doses of an induistrial strength antibiotic. I did not take care of myself during the treatment, I did no preventative whatsoever. My own dumb fault, but it did not occur to me since not much was known when I first had it. Physically , in 1992, it was a big struggle. I was so exhausted I could barely hold my head up. I had a new job and I had to go to work everyday. It was aweful, torture almost. But when I got well my body felt light, energetic, healthy. I was mentally sharp as a tack and went on like that for some time until Antibiotics got a hold of me.

Well here I am again, and when you get it the second is far worse . Symptoms are hoorific for me anyway. Again. after many months of diet I realized diet alone was not gonna do it this time. i had to launch a full out attack which I did. EaCH MONTH i AM TONS BETTER THAN THE MONTH BEFORE. I EXPECT TO BE FULLY WELL BY SPRING sorry about caps.

Just requires diligence and a plan ...a good plan. Listen to your body and respond. if you do not feel you are making progress then regroup and reassess and kep an open mind. Lots of times people are reluctant to try things , don't be. It is worth trying anything to see what will work for you.



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