Re: 6 months in...and now food intolerances
Soy milk is a bad idea anyway because it suppresses the thyroid gland, and many candida people already suffer from low thyroid function. Moreover, there is much evidence that soy products are harmful to health. Far from the "health-food" they are claimed to be. Try rice milk instead.
I suggest doing
Liver Cleanses according to
Andreas Moritz 's book "The Amazing Liver Cleanse" until all stones have been removed. Following a candida diet will do nothing for you in terms of providing a lasting cure, unless you also remove the root cause of the candida overgrowth. Cleansing the organs of elimination (liver, colon, kidneys) can help you do this.
I am proof that the candida diet only serves to suppress symptoms: I followed it absolutely strictly for over 9 months, and yet I ate one piece of fruit the other day and had a flare-up. You cannot kill candida by starving it, otherwise diet alone would cure you, and most will agree that it does not.