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how to combat candida...
Alexcena Views: 1,953
Published: 19 y
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how to combat candida...


I don't know if you have candida, but it is best to take precautions as Antibiotics "WILL KILL" the good bacteria as well as the bad. Once individuals stop taking Antibiotics the bad bacteria multiply at a fast rate to "TAKE OVER" the body's system (essentially pushing out/killing off any of the good bacteria left).

At the very least take probiotics, whether this comes in the form of probiotics from a health food store, homemade yoghurt or homemade kefir. I take the latter, as kefir contains over 30 types of probiotics. Though some controversy surrounds the use of kefir because it does contain very small amounts of lactose/casien, it is the best of the three without a doubt due to its probiotic power. (I am referring to homemade kefir with actual live grains not powder forms from stores). At this time, ensure that you take one of them. : )

The diet is very important: no sugar, no gluten, no yeast, no dairy (except homemade yoghurt or kefir), fruit if you have a reaction to it (brain fog, stomach bloating...). Check out the following site for an explanation of candida and indications of candida:

YOu might want to try a natural anti-fungal such as grapeseed extract or oil of oregeno. Check out this website for more natural products and an accompanying explanation of each:

Cleanse the organs: bowel (fibre, water and oil), liver, kidneys, lymphatic system...obviously you needed a bowel cleanse, as it provided a ton of help for one of the largest organs in/on the body, the skin. If this cleanse worked this well for you, I would suggest that others are required... Remember candida ABSOLUTELY THRIVES in a toxic/"dirty" environment.

Bodies overrun by candida are typically stripped of various minerals, nutrients and vitamins, consequently supplements are required... vitamins a, b, c, e and essential oils such as flax seed oil, coconut oil, olive oil.... and herbal teas with powerful antioxydant power such as green tea, roobois, honeybush

Anyway, hope this helps...only you can know if you want to pursue the diet... etc.

Good Luck and if you have any other questions...just ask : D
Take Care.....Alex


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