Caprio i personally beleive hypothyroidism is a major cause of candida, not the other way around. It hampers your immune system to the point where it can take over, for instance Oral Thrush NORMALLY can be killed in 2-3 days. My mother has had Thrush to some degree for the majority of her life (keeps coming back) and shes been hypothyroid for over 20-30 years. I beleive the hypothyroidism which she had and went undiagnosed CAUSED the candida to take over her body, not the other way around. She started taking armour thyroid and her Thrush has gone away and she feels alot better. There are MANY things that can cause damage to your thyroid and curing candida will probaly not restore a damaged thyroid to working order.
IMO theres more evidence supporting the theory candida is caused by hypothyroidism than the other way around.
Otherwise i still am trying to find the reason i have candida... yes i took anti-biotics but i never took them long term.