Re: Barrier to raw
Fiz, what you ate all day sounds like what I eat for breakfast. I know it varies, but I think lots of raw food-ers eat heaps of veggies everyday! I realize that you CAN survive on barely anything, as you mentioned. But, no wonder your metabolism is so low! Basically, the more you eat, and the more often you eat, the faster your metaolism will run. Your body knows the food will be coming in. I'm not suggesting that you start stuffing yourself, that will definitely go straight into fat. But since you're trying to eat (high?) raw, why don't you just go ahead and eat a piece of fruit every 1 to 1 1/2 hours in the a.m., and then either fruit or veggies up till dinner. More fat, as well. The nut butters are good, maybe lettuce drizzled with Olive oil. I don't know how you eat daily, but perhaps you should also look at eating more veggies instead of mostly fruit. Maybe if you were eating more all day (stuffing yourself) you wouldn't have those crazy cravings at night. I don't know if you exercise, but it would be good if you would exercise every day to help get your metabolism going faster. Once your metabolism is faster, you can slim down, and eat more, thus getting more nutrients.
This is just some feedback off the top of my head, I'm no expert. Hopefully someone else can help you more with your cravings.