Re: Evolutionist Preachers?
In a simple question where can you get the best bio-available vitamin C?
Did God told in the passage you must use pesticide and other harmfull chemicals to grow plants or tree bearing fruits?
Did God also said in the passage embalm the fruits prior shipment? did you not know the best full nutrients a fruits can give is when you directly pick them from trees and eat them?
Why did you think most people do prepared to eat organically grown products? especially those who new about cancer as a symptom like fever?
Can your math professor go beyond the standard or constants defined or found by science, like speed of light?
Science postulate a theory then proved according to the empirical, testable laws of science? going back to your professor, did they for the fact experimented, tested and proved the mathematical laws? or are they not using books to teach students?
Are they not preaching then?