Re: An idea of what God without Religion is
Religion is Bad. God is so good.
His son Jesus came to honor His fathers name, return that which was lost, our dominion over the earth and our relationship with Father God, He also came to model for us what someone free of active sin and totally yielded to the spirit of God could do in the earth ie. heal the sick, cleanse disease, walk on water, and overcome poverty, and most important to have an open and honest relationship with the mother of all fathers Jehovah God.
Now the door is Jesus, the key is faith, the hinges are love and the house is the house of God. God`s church is His people united in Christ Jesus not a stupid building containing the hierchies of men and hoop jumping contests to see who can heap more upon their own flesh calling it ministry when they don`t even know God personally and they sure don`t have His love in them to share with you or I.
sorry so long winded and run on in sentence.