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mossystangle Views: 1,102
Published: 18 y
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Hopinso - That's good advice - and easy to follow, too, which awesome. I think I remember you posting about this eariler - but it was very early in my cleanse, and I was mostly focused on trying NOT to think about food. Part of my thought process (and a BIG reason for doing my first cleanse) is that I have a tendency to overdo food in a big way. The idea of getting my head in the right place to control my diet and make it 80/10/10 is what I need more than any specific regimen. The discipline of trying to cut out meat for awhile (I could NEVER cut out dairy - I am a cheese ADDICT - as mossy will testify) sometimes seems like a way to get this under control. Bit I think getting a lot of those crave-producing toxins out of my system was a pretty solid start.

It is good to hear an advocate for a healthy balance!! A lot of folks tend to swing really far one way or the other and pulpit just that end of things. Thanks for this.


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