Oh, ugh! You sure seem to be taking the news alot better than I would! Ick! I wish I had a naturopath. Here where I live, the closest I could come to a naturopath would be a chiropractor.
I took my fourth dose of anti-parasitic this morning and in a little while, I started getting some massive jiggling just to the right of my heart... It didn't quit for about an hour and a half. The jiggling was quiet for awhile, but then when I had lunch, it started again. I can just imagine a huge worm trying to wiggle it's way up my pancreatic duct or something. This is really creepy. How I wish I had a Zapper right now!!! I'da zapped that sucker til he was dead!
Can you tell me what your parasites looked like? Were they like little tiny worms?