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Re: HIV and MMS

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

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Re: HIV and MMS

Hi Chester
I have a story about HIV. I live in Africa where it is quite common. The lady who was working at our house had a niece that had HIV. Young girl,early twenties. She had stopped taking the ARV drugs as they were making her very ill. I believe she was close to full blown AIDS as she had already been bedridden for months before I became aware of her. She was so weak and confused, she couldn't even communicate with me via her Cell Phone .
I sent her a small bottle of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and some lemons, along with handwritten instructions for Protocol 1000.
Fast forward to two weeks later, her aunt comes to tell me that she is eating so much she is bankcrupting the family, lol. She was up and about, and her appetite was back. A week after that she went off to work in the Elections. Bright as a button, fat and healthy. A year later she is still healthy as can be. I would like her to go for another HIV test to see if it's completely gone, but she's too busy living a happy life. I consider this a massive success



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