Re: I’m confused
Adding another note…here is a picture of the facial cleansing cloth I use to clean my tweezers, after maybe four or five days work.
I posted this because using the Albolene/fenbendazole/O2 calming gel mixture (see prior post for recipe) can seem like it’s not working. Especially first thing in the morning when I apply it. Almost nothing. So I leave it on for a bit. I remove the tiniest dots. I remove hair, using my tweezers in a sweeping motion. What is important here is not that it removes a lot to start, but it gets the lymph moving in the skin and loosens things up. Then I get bigger dots. Then I hit a sweet spot where one removal creates a sort of domino, leading to the next removal. The skin kind of has to warm up, then will release for a while. Then the releases taper. Then I add more cream to keep the skin soaking it in, and come back to it later. Usually then it releases a lot more.
It is still time consuming, unfortunately. (If it came out all at one, you’d have scary black crap coming out at inopportune times. I do finish work on my skin about a half hour before going out, and recheck for anything that popped out.)
It is very incremental. But you can see what comes out in about a weeks time.
(I took lots of pictures early on to document all the weird stuff coming out, and still do for anything super unusual. . But that takes time I’d rather spend just removing it.)