I'm "old school" macro as my Macro days were 15 or so years ago. I have glanced at newer macro books here and there fairly recent and have seen some changes etc. The biggest changes I have seen from the older more traditional macro its that back when the diet was very much traditional Japanese using many Japanese items that are not native to American cooking so many of the recipes are more geared to more native veggies in the American diet. These have been glances while at the bookstore so I really haven't gone into any depth and have missed any info regarding pressure cooking.
There also seems to be separate factions with some still going the more traditional route and other going more loosy goosey to accommodate the western palate. Do you have any book or net resources regarding the pressure cooking info?
The one thing I came upon recently that it's not necessarily Macro and that is the GABA method on cooking rice where you presoak the rice I think maybe over night ( I really don't remember for sure) Anyways this soaking does something or other that significantly increases or changes something which makes the rice into a complete protein. I'm just not real sure about the accuracy of what I'm saying here. I know I was really intrigued by what I read and I will research it again tonight to try it on my next batch of rice. Do a Goggle using GABA rice and you should get lots of info if'n you're interested.