I have incorporated whole grains into my diet, which I didn't do before. Usually I cook whole grain, as in the WHOLE grain not smashed, rolled or chopped, for breakfast and chew, chew, chew. I understand the importance of chewing my vegies now so I'm getting the most out of them. Something else I took from the Hip Chicks book was not to get into that cycle of self loathing when I do eat unhealthy food. That life and food are meant to be enjoyed, so if you are going to eat it, savor it. This has resulted in me eating way healthier. Virtually no processed foods at all. Almost all whole foods that are organic. We are a family of 5 so the local food co-op was happy to see me join:-)Macro tends to use Japanese style food which fits in great w/ our lifestyle as my hubby is 1/2 Japanese. I make miso several times a week, but am trying to wean the kiddies off white rice to brown. At 13,16,& 18 thats a little difficult, but we are getting there.
Thanks for asking!