Your story sounds so much like mine it's ridiculous. I had the same effect with the Turpentine you had that kind of reaction because the Turpentine got into your nervous system and that's why you were getting the burning sensations throughout your body I had the same experience and it was horrible two times taking the Turpentine orally. I had to stop taking it and now I take mostly Black-WalnutWormwood and 8 grams of turmeric a day. I believe this bacteria probably affects a lot of Indians too because of the unclean water there. Hope this may help you. I'm sure you have plenty of trurmeric where you are. Actually the curcumin is what's most beneficial from the turmeric. I'm sure you know to take it with pepper too. Turpentine is a very potent volatile oil it can really exacerbate things once it gets into the nervous system. I wondered if doing an enema with it would have the same effect I'm sure it probably would maybe even worse. I almost had seizures because of the turpentine. My issue was bacteria not parasites or worms thought. Specifically whipple's disease or t. whipplei. Sorry you had to experience that the things we'll do when we're suffering and in desperation. Turmeric has no bad side effects.