Hi, thank you so much for your reply! Yes, the burning sensations was from turpentine too, but most of it was from the awakening and angry worms (sounds suprarealistic, I cannot belive it myself) and havy load candida and other who knows what. I took turpentine very long time and did good for me at some point. I will look into more details about turmeric, but now I deceided to take the drugs path. I am in Europe.
I hope you are feeling better and better, it is so frustrating and heart felting what is happening to us with all the fungus, germs, parasites etc.,monsters. And about the bacteria, have you tried knowing more about MMS? For my havy infestation didn't do much, I don't think it has the power to eradicate them, but I know for sure that it cured a nasty cold in one day only.