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The Lure Of Hypocrisy
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The Lure Of Hypocrisy

I don't know enough to rationally discuss Revelations and I guess that it's because the idea of trying to interpret all of the metaphors and symbolism won't alter what will be.

I don't know if the lure of hypocrisy applies to Jews, strictly, but the danger of that lure applies to all people hands down. How many people out there claim to be physicians and do not practice medicine because of their own arrogance or greed? How many people claim that they have concern for their fellow man when they spend their time taking, hiding, and switching masks so they aren't found out? I'm not sure that the "Jew" reference is strictly intended for Jews, only, or if that reference was in context of the times. Back then, one who was born and raised in a Jewish tribal environment practiced what had been handed down for generations and it was a taboo to intermingle. The same thing applied to all people then, as it does, now.

Hypocrisy is a really strong lure and it is, in itself, alluring. Look at all of the televangelists that make the claims that they do and still live in obscene opulence while their own supporters finance it from their own meager income. So, it could be that this concept applies to all and sundry. Or, perhaps not.


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