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Re: Racism and the law.
Triggermaster Views: 1,054
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Re: Racism and the law.

Alright, that's it. I can't handle this retardation anymore.

I'm going to sound harsh, that's because I am.
I'm going to sound angry, that's because I am.
I'm going to sound like I disregard the "Hurt feelings" on here. That's because I will.

If it wouldn't fall upon deaf ears, I'd tell you all how you are unworthy to carry the title of "Human", being as thin-skinned as you are.

I've been lurking from the sidelines at some seriously helmet-wearing, special needs-tier idiocy for a long while, and the foot's being put down now.

Firstly, Hate Speech CAN'T be defined. Even dictionary websites can't describe it in a way that the consensus agrees with because of the way it's being thrown around. I have a black buddy, an irish buddy, and we rag on each other for being Italian, black, and irish all the time. We drink beers, we have fun, we're best friends, and I'd stand by their side during a zombie apacolypse. Does that mean we HATE each other? NO. It's just us picking on one another because we're thick skinned. It's what we do. Hate speech is NON EXISTANT and is completely relative to the individual.

Secondly, Tansybelle, You are so thin-skinned, that I would not be surprised if you get paper cuts from a tissue falling on your arm. All you do is complain, call people that disagree with you "Evil" or whatever the newest buzz word is that you have to use because every single word from "Racist" to "Bigot" to "Fascist" to "Nazi" has become so diluted that they're starting to have REVERSE MEANINGS! Even the Devil himself is probably dumbfounded at the extreme idiocy that radiates from the words created by your keyboard. You've reached the point of an internet argument where you know you've dug SO DEEPLY, that you have to bring up "B-but m-muh hatespeech lawls!!!1"

If people live outside of the jurisdiction of Britain, they are not susceptible to your Think Tank Laws. People are allowed to be as right or wrong as they want to be. I know what you're thinking: "If that's true, then why are you going off on ME when you think that I'm wrong?" The answer is that your stupidity is the dangerous type of stupidity. The type of stupidity that can actually effect other peoples lives, harm them, or even kill them in the long run. You're legitimately dangerous.

My advice: Grow a pair. The world isn't warm and fuzzy. Stop trying to paint it that way, otherwise when people go out into the real world, they're SOL.

If I hurt your feelings, I'm not sorry. I'm sorry that you are in such a state of mind that everything that you disagree with seems like a personal attack. Nobody should be sorry for speaking their mind, that keeps the world from answering hard questions. This is past Social edicate.

Over and out.


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