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I do not understand this at all. Curezone is not held to British Law, nor American, nor Iranian, nor Lithuanian. If any poster on any public debate forum expects or demands that other international posters abide by the Laws of their country, they are severly delusional. I cannot even form a response for that type of rank, privileged arrogance. I also do not understand the veiled threats of legal action if a poster fails to succumb to those outrageous demands.  So a poster's IP address can be found.  Then what?  So what?  What does one expect to do with that?  Serve an international warrant for arrest?  LOLOLOL!!!!   If a poster is that fragile, then they should grow a thicker skin and accept the fact that Life isn't fair and nobody is that special that they can make such ludicrous demands or maintain such audacious expectations.  Then, then should get off of the internet for a while and reassess their personal actions - ALL of them, including enlisting other members to  help them in their...........pursuits.

There is real and true racism all over the world. Rwanda experienced the genocide of nearly ½ million people because they didn't carry the preferred identification card. If anyone who is posting on this board has the nerve to compare their fragile feelings with actual genocide beneath the blade of a cheap machete, then they are self-centered, self-absorbed, and they need to stay off of the internet and join a commune where everyone thinks alike, believes alike, dresses alike, and facts are thrown over for fragile feelings.

Each time someone incorrectly uses a term like, “RACIST,” or, “RAPE,” taken out of criminal context, it diminishes the actual meaning of those crimes into something trite and ordinary and it sends out the green light for anyone who is even mildly disordered to join the Professional Victims Alliance. Anyone posting on this board ever lost a family member in a genocide or violent murder? How about actual rape? Anyone? Gang rape? Anyone ever been overwhelmed by a group of teenagers and beaten senseless over $7?


Perhaps, Webmaster will just shut this forum down, at last.  Or, better yet, one of you fragile and tender folks can start your own private forum where everyone will agree with whatever the Leader decides is acceptable.  Welcome to Jonestown!  




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