Re: wake up, little susie, wake up
Hi, I am still around thanks. After numerous tests and visits to various specialists I was finally diagnosed with pyroluria by a very well known and skilled british naturopath. This appeared to have caused my prolonged detox of 9 months - and it was triggered by the
Iodine in an indirect way as the long term inability to use B6/zinc (from birth) had hampered my body's cleansing abilities regardless of all the detoxing I thought I had achieved over the years. The 3mg dose of
Iodine was the last straw for my poor liver which started dumping in the lymph with nowhere else to go, and I ended up with severely dry and stagnant lymph which caused all the throbbing neck and palpitations. I was advised to cut all grains, oils and fats and have only clean animal protein, vegetables and fruits, along with lecithin, magnesium, P-5-P,and zinc as well as a good multi (and
Iodine of course). It's still early days but I feel hell of a lot better. It would seem pyroluria sufferers cannot handle grains or carbs very well in general, and the liver cannot process fats hence the toxic build up. I have a follow up consultation soon so I will post again. Once my zinc/b6 has stabilized I should be able to increase the iodine to a higher level which would be nice!