Insomnia, heart palpitations, pins and needles in my hands and feet, bad headaches and neck aches, brain fog, loss of appetite, crazy mood swings. I never thought to label what I was experiencing "anxiety" because I had nothing to be anxious about, but it did feel like physiological symptoms of anxiety (the heart palpitations in particular), and I had A LOT of really intense fears about having MS or some other neurological disease (which were of course unfounded). These feelings were so intense and paranoid that I felt very sure that they were not "my" feelings--like they were just on not my normal emotional spectrum and I am convinced they were hormonal. I still can't say that my symptoms are completely gone--I still occasionally get pins and needles in my hands/feet, especially around ovulation, and I sometimes get (way less intense) headaches. But at this point it's an occasional minor annoyance; I haven't had any of the bad symptoms for months. The bad things were mostly gone by the three-month mark.