We have an essential oil diffuser by her bed. And we are going to do the vitamin c protocol for whooping cough.
slippery elm
wild cherry bark
castor oil packs
But the vitamin c is going to be my main focus since so far in my research that sounds the most effective. But I'm open to anything.
It still sounds like it's a long haul regardless though, about a 100 days of misery on average. We are probably approaching day 15 or something like that, with the first week not being so bad, but that's the way whooping cough is. It starts off mild and then turns into a nightmare.
Can anyone answer this question though. The vitamin c protocol calls for sodium ascorbate. Then in bold letters it says "DO NOT USE CALCIUM ASCORBATE!" But it doesn't give a reason why. I have already been giving her vitamin c since the cough started but it was regular vitamin c ascorbic acid with a small amount of calcium ascorbate along with potassium and a tiny amount of zinc. So was that really bad, that I've been giving her a small amount of calcium ascorbate already? It bugs me when people are so staunch about something but don't give a reason.