I was 238lb on June 1 2016. I went to 219 by July 10 or so just doing 100 gm or less carb. but I was @ 219 for months after even going to 20 gm carb I was still 219.
Then on sept 15 2016 I went to OMAD, stopped the shakes and bars and also started Bullet proof coffee.
Literally overnight I started losing weight. 219 on Sept 15th all the way to 148 on dec 14 at the end of a 20 day fast. I slackened off the long term fasts but I still managed an 8 day in jan and I was 141 or so on jan 13th, My lightest ever.
Since then I have been around the mid 160's due to well - eating more carbs and eating more in general.
I want to make another run @ 135 or so and this time I plan on staying there a while. Or even lower if the fat is still available to grab.