Starting Water Fast tomorrow.
OK this will be a true water fast. I have eaten a few days very low carb 1 meal a day. I am in good shape and mentally ready to start true water. No fear.
I had a question or 2 or 3.
I start to feel hungry upon waking up every day. This is a recent phenomenon, maybe 3-4 weeks. I read that you fast till "hunger returns". I basically am hungry 12-16 hrs after my previous meal. What do I interpret it to mean. Or, would hunger go away a day or so later and return when healing is complete ?
And in a few days if I get cramps or other joint aches. Do I ignore it, and when it goes away - that's when my healing for that is complete ?
I am planning to not even weigh or do DSM-BIA very regularly in this fast. Those numbers are just a distraction to me. if they start to look good, I start to feel like I'm done.