So basically no one can help you, because everything I've read you simply make an excuse for the answer people have given you. The only true way to fast is by simply only drinking water. Nothing else, zilch, nada! Just like the above mentioned poster stated, pain is apart of the process. If you're looking for a painless way to lose weight you will not find it. There is no magic pill, or no magic diet to fulfill weightloss. Anything you do will involve pain and discomfort. I am not trying to be rude, but how do you expect anyone to help if you simply make excuses for the correct answers that they give you? Sounds to me like there is a bit of an eating disorder here, and maybe some pyhcological downfalls. Asking for an answer only to expect what you want to hear is counterintuitive to everyone reading this forum
Good luck on your diets(and they are diets not fasts),