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Re: Self-awareness is one of the biggest threats in today's society to true Christians
neonknight77 Views: 827
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Re: Self-awareness is one of the biggest threats in today's society to true Christians

By being who one is, that sounds like the separation of mind/brain from a body and then its soul. I do not completely agree with that, unless we still had purgatory around where souls were sent for trials/testing before Jesus Christ died for our sins.

I wish I could agree that being who/what one was created was enough, but then that would mean that the way we grew up, the love our parents shared for us and the Love we have for the Trinity would be completely irrelevant. Furthermore, I don't think that conscious and identity relate singularly to personality. I used to have a wicked cool personality but then I got caught up over some things and can't get over them. Therefore, you could say my thoughts aren't Godly at the time being but that is all the part of GROWTH, why God puts us in certain situations. Just being ourselves does not represent an accurate indication of WHO WE ARE.

Why? Let's take a look at this, we have 3 components/parts to :
1) Soul
3) Body

If you took a brain-dead person and just allowed him or her to be possessed by a soul, would you see who really is? No. A soul is a gift from God, in to a body God has created. The mind is what you grow up with, using your own judgement.

Therefore, I can say for certain that God has a plan for all of us. The truth will only set you free. And being yourself, well that means doing that which is right for you, your neighbors, for God. The Word is just a tool/means to correct or to find justice in one's action as well as a history. And most of all, it is an accurate representation of what and who Jesus was.
Lastly, if we are to be like Jesus, we need something to study. The Word.

Thaks and God Bless.


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