Re: Update: Bad news! Appreciate any help
Hmm, my EC seems very similar to yours. I don't get the red inflamed lips some say they have, I don't get the white lines/gunk, and as long as I have my lips moisturized with the right substance (Aquaphor for me), my lips are just fine and appear somewhat normal. Of course you can see the damage on my lips from having EC for some time.
The only difference in our conditions is that when I used to leave my alone and let them dry they would buildup the yellow flaky crusts but last time I tried it recently, they didn't get yellow. But I'm not willing to stop this constant moisture method to try and see lol.
As for getting your lips wet, it depends on what you are going for. If you're trying to keep your buildup on your skin, then try to avoid unnecessary contact with water. But in my case it's not too important because the only times my lip get wet are in the shower or when I brush my teeth. I usually put a nice layer of Aquaphor on before I do these things and my lips don't really get affected, only thing that would comes off is dead skin anyways. I guess it varies from one person with EC to another, because water doesn't really take anything off my lips and once they get a little dry I just apply more Aquaphor and they are fine.