8 y
Re: Depression, ADHD, where/how do I start???
Thank you SO MUCH for your response. I'm not sure what could have poisoned me...
My hormones are probably out of whack due to birth control. Would it be necessary to remove my IUD to balance my hormones?
I just bought Schulze IF#1 an #2 with superfoods. I am wondering if I should do the 5 day bowel detox Dr. Schulze suggests with juicing/ raw food and then continue using #1 for one month and then add #2 for another month. Or just do #1 for one month and add #2 the next month as you suggested? I want to really*** clean out my colon.
You said the program is 50% detox and 50% feeding. What kind of food is suggested as part of this program? I'll be contacting the pain and stress center soon for more info. I do believe that nutrients can heal me, however, I was so desperate that I began the anti-depressant. Is it okay to continue the antidepressant and lamisil while I detox?
So first is cleaning out my colon for the next 2 months. Then ridding of parasites (would I need a zapper for that? what if they go to my brain or something) , then liver cleanse .... while eating well and supplementing with minerals/enzymes.
Where does treating the candida with candessence fit in, after bowel cleansing and the parasite cleanse or simultaneously? Is there a specific candida protocol you recommend?
Thanks again