Re: Depression, ADHD, where/how do I start???
First of all something happened that poisoned you. Yeast is there to clean up the dead cells. If you have dead cells, healthy ones have been killed off somehow. Drugs are usually the biggest offenders.
Your hormones are out of whack. Probably thyroid first. Eat dulse. Your nutrition is lacking due to not enough nutrients or the right nutrients. Too much stress and lacking in B vitamins.
We say this program is 50% detox and 50% feeding. From the sound of your symptoms, your colon needs detoxifying. Schulze #1 capsules for that and later add the #2 capsules for 30 days at a time to pull the rubbery stuck-on stuff off your colon wall. You're young. It won't take you as long as it would an older person.
A PhD in nutrition can be gotten by contacting the Pain and Stress Center. Actually they are Certified Nutritional counselors working under Dr. Kathrine Birkner. We are not drug deficient, just nutrient deficient. Dr. Sahley uses nutrients not drugs to do what they call "balance" brain and body chemistry. Some may be due to your colon not working right. Your digestion is not working right. Simple procedure to clean it out. Eat good probiotic stuff.
Next, we clean out the liver and get rid of the systemic parasites. The best herbalist for that is or go to his website and order his PW/A formula. If you feed your body whole food nutrients through supplements as well as do some juicing every day, keep it up until you are clean and back on the alkaline side, your body will re-gain homeostasis after a while.
For Candida I recommend Dr. William Wong's product Candessence.
Hippocrates said "let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". Whatever happened to "first, do no harm"??? Drugs that make money for not only the drug companies but doctors who give them out like candy with nary a thought about their real consequences. The drugs changed the whole face of medicine that was practiced for thousands of years on this planet to something that poisons and kills.
Update on this message. Lack of just a few minerals, magnesium being the most important one, can cause all kinds of health problems. I recommend supplementing magnesium as well as trace minerals from a reputable source. Go to and start reading about minerals. Enzymes are first in the stack of requirements for good health, then minerals, then vitamins and antioxidant's, etc.